As KEY HOLDING, the understanding we have adopted within the framework of occupational health and safety is based on our respect for people. Occupational Health and Safety is our priority in every field we operate.

It is thought that the successful implementation of the activities related to Occupational Health and Safety will only be possible with the joint participation and support of our employees and senior management. In this context; OHS practices and continuous improvement activities are the joint responsibility of all our employees and senior management, and are considered as an indispensable part of our corporate culture.

Proactive approach is adopted in principle in the field of Occupational Health and Safety in all of our group companies within KEY HOLDING. In this context, with an effective risk assessment system, it is aimed to eliminate hazards at the source and to ensure safe working areas.

Trainings are provided regularly and necessary resources are provided to increase the awareness of individual responsibilities, competency and to raise awarenessfor our employees’ occupational health and safety.

In order to ensure the health and safety of our employees, contractors and visitors in all areas where we operate, we undertake to take all precautions, comply with and follow all rules in accordance with all applicable legislative requirements regarding Occupational Health and Safety.